Slovácký rok v Kyjově
Other title(s): The Year of Moravian Slovakia in the Town of Kyjov
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1924c
Runtime: 7:42 min:sec
Description: The King's Ride (The Vlčnovští Group) on the square, it stops in front of the Mayor's house, a toast, arrival at the stadium. Performance at the stadium - "fašanek" (a traditional folk feast - performed by people from Velká), dances and songs, a wedding in the Kyjov Region (performed by the Milotičtí and Šardičtí Groups), the bride and groom with their parents, a wedding cake. Folk customs and habits: the groom is chopping a log, the bride is cutting a loaf of bread, women are taking off the bridal wreath, a merchant with a heifer, "shoeing" of the bride, paying out of the groomsmen, female cooks are shaving the guests. A band, dances at the stadium, spectators on the terraces. Other costumes: dancing around a ram, beating of a drake (performed by people from Bukovany and Sobůlky). The parade and the King's Ride through the town.
Keywords: dokument / tance lidové / zvyky svatební lidové / kroje lidové / fašanek z Velké ned Veličkou / zvyky lidové / slavnost národopisná / folklor / národopis / jízda králů / povoz koňský / koláč svatební / čepení nevěsty / kapela lidová / průvod v krojích / diváci / kapela v průvodu / folk dances / folk costumes / folk wedding customs / folk traditions / folk feast / folklore / ethnography / King's Ride / horse carts / wedding cakes / folk bands / parade of people in folk costumes / spectators / band marching in the parade
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Production company: Lloydfilm
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs